Meet Dana, the Founder of WOMXN

First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit WOMXN. WOMXN is a project very close to my heart, and I sincerely hope to be bringing this passion across. The idea behind WOMXN is to connect and empower women all over the globe by means of self expression, upliftment and education. This project has brought me into contact with some of the most phenomenal, inspiring and resourceful women I have met. 

WOMXN was born out of my passion for fashion, I have always loved it as a form of self expression and creativity. I can spend hours roaming a vintage shop or deciding what to wear for that one event coming up. As many other people I am sure, I tie special memories back to what I -or others- wore that day. For example, my mother stills talks about the little black patent leather shoes I wore on my second birthday. However, I tend to have a bit of a love-hate relationship with fashion, especially after realizing some of fast fashion's ugliest truths. 

I started working as an international fashion model at the age of 13. While it was exciting to travel, meet new people and experience new things, the fashion industry opened my eyes to some ugly realities. Raised as a free spirited child, with an older brother as my best friend, I never felt that my gender mattered as to what I wanted to do or achieve.

My dreams were big and bold, and so was my imagination. For hours I could play with plastic dinosaurs, cars or dolls alike. However, as I worked as a teenager in an adult industry focused on portraying an unrealistic female beauty standard, an industry that consciously exploits female insecurities in order to boost sales, it started dawning upon me that gender matters. While I am forever grateful for the opportunities and experiences being an international model gave me, it also unequivocally showed me that unfortunately many people tie a woman's value to her physical appearance.

This rather obvious realization was the beginning of my research into feminist literature. Early on I discovered the resistance and discomfort many people out when the subject of feminism is coined. 

Gender -inequality- is not an easy conversation to have, it often makes people uncomfortable and resistant. With WOMXN I hope to start these uncomfortable conversations, whether they are internal or external. I hope to educate people and reframe feminism as something that ought to be seen as an inclusive, positive and joyful movement, celebrating our differences and unlocking our true potential as humans. With WOMXN I hope to create a brand and platform that unites all that I love about fashion without harming our planet.

I truly believe that there is no limit to what we as humans can achieve, when we reach equal access to opportunities. I want every girl to know that her voice makes a difference and is worth being heard. In order to achieve this WOMXN donates 10% of profits each month to a women empowerment organization.

Please contact me if you have any ideas or thoughts you would like to share,





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