Sustainable & Feminist

What does that even mean?

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Sustainable fashion, eco fashion, slow fashion, ethical fashion. What does it mean? Is it truly achievable?

While sustainability is becoming a buzzword, rapidly adapted by some of the largest fast-fashion chains, it begs the question what makes fashion sustainable? Is there really such a thing as producing sustainable?

At WOMXN, we love fashion, we love self expression, but we also love our planet. Hence, we tried to create a fashion brand that allows you to express yourself as sustainable as possible. 

We firmly believe that true sustainability starts with transparency. So we like to invite you to have a look at our sustainability journey. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions as to how we can increase our sustainability & impact.


The production process of any garment starts at the source; a cotton crop, a hemp seed a flax plant. We went back to the source and compared the water use, land deterioration, pesticide  - & herbicides needs and endurability of various eco friendly fabrics. We arrived at a convincing winner: hemp. The hemp crop requires little water to grow and actively replenishes soil nutrients, thus helping to improve soil health. Moreover, since hemp is a densely growing plant, it chokes out competing plants, reducing the need for harsh chemical herbicides and pesticides. As an added bonus, it is also extremely comfortable to wear and very durable.

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Ethical work circumstances are just as important as eco friendly fabrics. At WOMXN, we take great care to ensure that our garments are not only produced ethically, but also have a wider societal impact.

Your WOMXN garment is produced in Cape Town, South Africa in collaboration with various women empowerment organizations. Amongst others we work together with the women of Scalabrini, a community of refugee women from various African countries. At WOMXN we help them to use and develop their skills in sewing, embroidery and beading to gain financial independence. Another partner is the Sewing Cafe, who train unskilled and unemployed people from the Masiphumelele and Ocean View communities in Cape Town in the art of textiles. Did you know that we donate 10% of our profit towards a different women empowerment organization each month?

Let's talk feminism.

WOMXN is at its core a feminist brand. The word feminism has a lot of negative connotations attached to it. Our goal is to overthrow these connotations. To celebrate feminism, to show the world that gender equality is important to us al.

Gender is not an easy conversation to have. It makes people uncomfortable, sometimes even irritable. At WOMXN we aim to transform this initial feeling of discomfort into the start of a meaningful conversation, a realization or just a statement begging to be made. We do this by openly spreading our feminist values, by educating and by our actions.

Every month we donate 10% of our profits to a feminist organization of our choice. These organizations include women empowerment organizations, LGBTQ+ organizations, domestic abuse organizations and other organizations that align with a world that is dictated by gender equality and mutual understanding. Do you have a great organization in mind? Please reach out to us!

Want to know more about feminism & WOMXN? Head over to our blog or Instagram page.

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